In my first exhibition in September 2013, I’ve presented 12 of my personal Portfolio favorites in the wonderful ambiance of the Fabasoft Kunstcafé in Linz.
Thanks to the press coverage, all of the dates were well visited and I had the chance to talk to many unexpected guests and give them a tour through the exhibition.
The Finissage at the end of the Exhibition was a very nice evening.
After welcoming all the guests and giving them time to walk through the exhibition, we enjoyed a delicious buffet.
Later, things having calmed down, I gave a talk about the locations and a little making-of, in order to provide a quick glimpse into large format landscape photography.
After the talk, people had the chance to play with my Arca Swiss F-metric 4×5″ camera, which I brought with me.
To all visitors, thanks for coming!
Many thanks to the Fabasoft Team who made this possible, especially Helmut Fallmann and Christian Molnhuber.
My thanks also go to Sigrid Reisinger, Georg Brunmayr and Gerhard Haas for the photographical coverage of the event.
- Walking visitors through the exhibition
- Walking visitors through the exhibition
- Walking visitors through the exhibition
- Delicious Buffet
- “Making-of” Talk
- Playing with the view camera
- The slide film experience 🙂
To develop my film, I’m using the semi-automatical Jobo CPP2 processor.
It does the job of
- keeping chemicals submerged in a water bath at a desired temperature (in my case 38°C), using a temperature sensor an a built-in heater
- rotating a drum/tank which contains the film to be developed using a built-in motor
What it does not, and what I therefore still have to do is:
- pouring the chemistry into the tank at the appropriate time
- starting up the rotation mechanism so that the chemistry in the drum will be equally distributed
- leaving the drum in rotation for a defined duration
- draining off the chemistry
Therefore what I’ve done is programmed a little timer app tailored to my use case:
- It has a virtual countdown clock for each phase of the chemical process
- After a phase is complete, a signal notifies the user to switch the chemistry
- After pouring in the chemistry, the user can simply start the next phase countdown via pressing the SPACE key
The last step can even be done with the elbow when wearing gloves 🙂
ProcessTiming can easily be extended with custom processes using a simple CSV file format.
It’s available free (donations welcome) from the download page.
Good light,
Martin Jan Köhler

Im Linzer Fabasoft Kunstcafé wird es eine kleine, aber feine Werkschau meiner Landschaftsphotographien 2011 – 2013 geben.
Auf meiner Portfolio-Seite kann man sich bereits vorab einen ersten Eindruck der gezeigten Motive verschaffen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf schottischen Landschaften, aber auch Österreich, Bayern und Kroatien werden vertreten sein.
Präsentiert werden 12 sehr detailreiche, farbenkräftige und großformatige Bilder (längere Seite jeweils 120 cm bis 150 cm), die im Fachlabor Foto Leutner in Wien auf hochwertigem traditionellem Fotopapier ausbelichtet und unter Acryl rahmenlos kaschiert wurden.
Der Eintritt ist kostenlos.
Ich bin bei allen Terminen anwesend, freue mich über Ihren Besuch (gerne auch mit Begleitung),
und ersuche Sie, diese Information bei Gelegenheit an potentiell Interessierte in Ihrem Wirkungsbereich zu verteilen.
An den nachfolgenden Terminen stehen die Pforten des Kunstcafés für firmenexterne Besucher offen:
- Montag, 16.9.2013, 18:00 – 20:00
- Donnerstag, 19.9.2013, 18:00 – 20:00
- Mittwoch, 25.9.2013, 18:00 – 20:00
- Freitag, 27.9.2013, 18:00 – Open End
Fabasoft Kunstcafé
Honauerstraße 4 (EG)
4020 Linz
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